I can't believe it’s February already! I usually find January to be a long, cold, dark month and can’t wait for it to end. This year although it was long, cold and dark I didn’t find it difficult or long for it to be over.
For me, January has been like a bridge, from all the hype of Christmas and New Year to 2018 and the new opportunities that lie ahead.
What did I notice that made January feel different? - Frozen rock pools, things like already seeing snowdrops pushing through and daffodils in Bamburgh! Clear, dark skies full of stars and the super, blue moon.
Changes will be visible this month, I need to be aware and mindful of moments. So often I can go through life on automatic pilot - this year, like in January I want to notice more, be more in the moment and not want the month to end before its time.
Take time to breathe, time to be still and notice - each moment is precious, each day has a purpose and each month has value.
So February - welcome, let’s see what you have to offer...